It's been a while since sewing last time. My fabric stash is growing, but the pile of end products is not. However last weekend was finally a more peaceful one, so I could find some time for sewing. It was in the heat of the summer when I ordered these beautiful autumn colored fabrics from Purl Soho. Already when I saw them, I knew that I wanted to made a pillow cover into our living room out of them. Sewing the pillow cover took about twenty minutes, planning it took two months. The cotton fabric is from the Aviary collection by Joel Dewberry and the linen is from our near-by fabric store.
Putting together of this tiny doll-quilt took even longer. I've had these pieces of fabric cut into squares since April. I've been planning to make a bead-cover with these fabrics, but because I have no experience on quilts, it seemed to be a too big challenge for me. So I scaled it down into a doll-quilt for the girls. Maybe some day, I'll have enough of courage and patience to go for it big time. (The bunny is from a crafts fair.)
Tilkut tähän pikkuruiseen nukenpeittoon ovat olleet leikattuina maaliskuulta asti. Suunnitteilla niistä on ollut kokonainen sängynpeitto tyttöjen huoneeseen, mutta päädyin helpottamaan projektia huomattavasti, koska tilkkuilukokemukseni ovat olemattomia. Päiväpeitto tuntuu vielä liian suurelta palalta - tai kasalta pikkupaloja. Ehkä joskus saan kerättyä tarpeeksi viitseliäisyyttä ja rohkeutta päiväpeiton tekemiseen. (Kuvan pupu ei valitettavasti ole minun neulomani, vaan käsityömessuilta.)