
Locks of jealousy /Kateuden kiehkurat

Honestly not the best of weekends (be prepared for serious whining). I had planned on doing some Christmas preparations, which are totally behind all my normal schedules, but on Friday night I started to feel a bit feverish and I'm still down that road. Naturally I'm not the only one, because Iisa is having an ear-infection once again. I'm trying to get this one over without antibiotics, but that means using painkillers for her. A bit hard to say, which way is better.

My not so perfect first of Advent was crowned today by the four-year-old, who cut heavily on her sisters hair. About half the head was clear-cut by 25cm and so I was left nothing but the cut the whole mid-back length of her wavy hair into an ear hugging bob. I was M_A_D! Her scissors are now confiscated and I'm strongly thinking of a visit to a hairdresser to get her a bob, too. This time she wasn't experimenting, she knew she was doing something wrong and that is why, I'm planning a punishment that heavy. I understand that this action was a manifestation of her jealousy, but in any case, it's not allowed to touch the physical appearance of an other.

Ei todellakaan parhaita viikonloppuja (seuraa valitusta). Suunnitelmissa oli ottaa kiinni aikatauluista jälkeen jääneistä jouluvalmisteluista. Perjantai-iltana alkoivat kuitenkin vilunväreet, jotka jatkuvat kuumeena vieläkin. Tietenkään en edes ole perheen ainoa sairastaja, vaan Iisalla on jälleen korvatulehdus, jonka yritän tällä kertaa selättää ilman antibioottia. Kun ei syödä antibioottia, joutuu vastaavasti antamaan kipulääkettä, joten tiedä sitten kumpi on parempi tapa.

Ikävänpuoleisen viikonlopun kruunasi tänään nelivuotias, joka parturoi pikkusiskonsa kiharoita rankalla kädellä. Noin puolesta päästä katosi 25cm hiusta, joten paljon vaihtoehtoja ei jäänyt. Keskiselkään ulottuvat vauvakiharat oli leikattava korvapituiseksi polkkatukaksi. Voit uskoa, että olin V-I-H-A-I-N-E-N. Tytön sakset ovat nyt takavarikossa ja suunnittelin jo ääneen hänelle parturivisiittiä , jossa leikataan myös polkkatukka (ei kylläkään yhtä lyhyttä). Tälläkertaa ei kyse ollut kokeilusta, kuten kerran aiemmin, vaan nyt tyttö tiesi tekevänsä jotain kiellettyä, siksi rangaistukset ovat näin ankarat. Ymmärrän kyllä, että teko oli vain sisarkateuden ilmentymää, mutta se ei oikeuta toisen fyysiseen koskemattomuuteen kajoamiseen.

Luckilly there has been also good sides to this weekend. Because it started with a swap-package I received from Melissa. This beautiful parcel was the smaller part to it, because I received two of her lovely dolls, aswell. I haven't managed to photograph them though, because I'm trying to keep them as a secret for my girls. The yarn forced me into a new knitting project, even though I'm in the middle of a present knitting.

Onneksi viikonloppuun on mahtunut mukavaakin, se nimittäin alkoi swap-paketista, jonka sain Melissalta. Tämä ihanainen materiaali oli paketin pienempi osa, koska mukana seurasi kaksi hänen mollamaijaansa. Heitä en kuitenkaan ole päässyt kuvaamaan, koska yritän pitää mollat yllätyksinä tytöille. Lanka sai minut kuitenkin heti tarttumaan uuteen projektiin, vaikka olenkin keskellä lahjaneulontaruuhkaa.

7 kommenttia:

Bohemian girl kirjoitti...

An advice from me probably doesnt count because I have only one kid who, to the top of it, doesnt have almost any hair. But dont go to the hairdresser to punish her, I hope, your anger will be gone before you really do it.
How old is the younger one, by the way, such a long hair?!?
Nice still life there on the last picture!

The Fairy Glade kirjoitti...

Oh dear, oh dear. Reminds me of an incident a couple of years ago now. My daughter had her friend to play after school one Friday. The child was due to go on holiday the very next day and decided that she didnt want her fringe anymore. I thought they they were being very quiet so I went to investigate. I was horrified as she had cut one side of completely back to the scalp and the other half was so rough and uneven. I was sick as I phoned her Mother to explain what she had done. Never let her near scissors again! Dev X

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

I guess that's life with kids! I hardly know of any child who has not taken the scissors to their own or some other one's hair. Just be thankful that no-one was spiked in the eyes! Once when my son and friend were being very quiet, I went in to find them lighting fires in an old mattress under a rack of hanging clothes. I was going to get the fire dept to visit with a stern lecture but he grew out of his dangerous habit. Always be suspicious of sudden prolonged quiet!!!

Merruli kirjoitti...

Bohemian girl: You are right! After some more thinking last night, I came to conclusion that it is not the right message to cut her hair as punishment either. My younger one is 2.5 years old and she was born with proper hair. However only the longest strands of her hair were mid-back length.

Dev: I'm happy the kindergarten photo session was already some weeks ago and we are not heading for any special party.Quite as you told these things usually happen when the kid is supposed to look as good as possible.

Julie: This time my girls were really quick, I had no idea something was happening. And yes, luckilly no serious harm, even though I later noticed a little cut on her forehead. You were really lucky that your son and his friend didn't manage to set a fire. Hair grows back but burns are not easy to heal.

Reetta kirjoitti...

Voih, lapsista on ilon lisäksi myös huolta ja harmia. Isommistakin... Onneksi on valopilkkuja. Or- should I write in English? Maybe next time :-)

Virkattu lintu kirjoitti...

Voi että... Pikaista paranemista teille. Ja kyllä ne hiukset siitä taas kasvavat :)

Kaunista lankaa!

violet kirjoitti...

Oh shit.
Ikävä juttu toi tukkaepisodi. Olen kuullut vastaavista. MInusta teet oikein että annat kunnollisen rangaistuksen. Ei ihan mitä vaan voi tehdä.